IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) is an international research institute, based in Portugal, devoted to biological and biomedical research, innovative training and embedding "science in society".

The IGC was established by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, a private charitable foundation promoting innovation in charity, arts, education and science. IGC´s mission is to pursue frontier research underlying both organism health and its interaction with the environment, to incubate future leaders and to place science at the heart of society.

The IGC hosts international and multidisciplinary research groups, providing them with state-of-the-art research facilities in a stimulating, cooperative and autonomous environment. At IGC there are several ambitious graduate training programs and a dedicated program to promote “science from all for all”: science open to society and to talent from everywhere in the world.

Besides, IGC benefits from its location, being integrated in national and international research structures and networks, and part of Oeiras Valley, home to several Innovation, Development and Research Centers.

IGC headquarters

Rua da Quinta Grande, 6 P - 2780-156 Oeiras

Moises Mallo
Moises Mallo

In a world where fake news and extremism try to dominate public opinion, scientific institutions carry the moral responsibility of upholding the highest standards of integrity. The pursuit of excellence in fundamental research not only enables the production of groundbreaking outputs but also results in substantial societal benefits. The EU-LIFE initiative is a bold step forward in developing, implementing, and sharing best practices in scientific activities and organisational management of scientific institutions. By aligning with these goals, we can confidently impact the public perception of scientific endeavours and inspire a better future for all."

Moises Mallo, Director of IGC

Facts and Figures


staff members




research groups


scientific core facilities


scientific articles

published in 2022, out of which 82%
are available with Open Access


active ERC grants

40% of PI have ongoing ERC grants

Member's Events