7th International Course on Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of post transcriptional gene regulations at multiple levels, including (pre-)messenger RNA splicing, polyadenylation, modifications (epitranscriptome), localization, translation and degradation. In addition to lectures given by international experts in the field, the course will also rely on the active contribution of participants and on their interactions with speakers. Each participant will present his scientific project (poster, elevator pitch) and will co chair a speaker. In addition to long discussion time after each talk, participants will have the opportunity to meet speakers every day at coffee breaks and lunch.
Keynote speaker
Hani Goodarzi (US)
Marianne Burbage (FR)
Marina Chekulaeva (DE)
François Fuks (BE)
David Gatfield (CH)
Zoher Gueroui (FR)
Claudia Hobartner (DE)
Maria Hondele (CH)
Bogdan Mateescu (CH)
Benoit Palancade (FR)
Serge Plaza (FR)
Odil Porrua (FR)
Alessandro Provenzani (IT)
Purusharth Rajyaguru (IN)
Olivier Saulnier (FR)
Monika Wolkers (NL)
Peng Wu (DE)
Kathi Zarnack (DE)

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