Recent insights into Immuno-Oncology (2nd edition)
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Cancer immunotherapy has revolutionized the clinical practice in multiple advanced cancers and is a fast-developing field in oncology. Over the past decade, we witnessed an extraordinary development and progress in the field of onco-immunology. The ever-expanding knowledge of the processes beyond the success of immunotherapy leveraged novel biomarkers, next-generation cell therapies, cancer vaccines, multi-specific antibodies, among other clinically relevant advances.
At the second edition onco-immunology conference leading experts in cancer immunotherapy will present the latest advances in their cutting-edge research, discuss the future challenges in the field of onco-immunology including resistance mechanisms and how to harness cellular and molecular or metabolic components of complex immune networks to optimize the combination of immunotherapy with other anticancer regimens, and develop new strategies.
Compared with the first edition, the current second onco-immunology conference will focus on celllular therapies (CAR, ACT, etc) and clinical trials), with the main aim to bring researchers closer to the most recent applications in immunotherapy.
- Ido Amit, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
- Maria Casanoves-Acebes, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, ES
- Mathias Wenes, University of Geneva, CH
- George Coukos, CHUV Lausanne University Hospital, CH
- Doug Green, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, US
- Michael Klichinsky, Chief Scientific Officer, Carisma Therapeutics Inc., US
- and many more.. visit our website for a full overview of all speakers
- Early bird: April 18, 2024
- Final registration: May 16, 2024
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