The IT Working group was formed in November 2013 to adress a variety of topics linked to data storage, user support and IT development.
It has established the following action plan:
- Define storage best practices (policies, architecture, cost containment, life cycle management, pressure and volume with vendors for better prices)
- Define best practices for computational support (shared computational resources with national or universities, code optimization)
- Each institute provides a high level list of applications supported to facilitate knowledge exchange.
- Establish a list of active and planned projects in order to discover synergies.
- Establish IT collaborations in areas of common interest and look into defining overall best practices.

Yann Dublanche, CRG, Co-chair
Jan de Graaf, NKI, Co-chair
Cass Flowers, Babraham Institute
Mike Greenwood, Babraham Institute
Robert Vácha, CEITEC
Mischa Pilz, CeMM
Emyr James, CRG
Timo A. Miettinen, FIMM
Arnaud Ceol, IEO
Joao Sousa, GIMM
Lukasz Munio, IIMCB
Emmanouil Dialynas, IMBB-FORTH
Stéphane Guitton, Institut Curie
Karsten Haecker, MDC
Els Herregods, VIB
Rinaldo Beck, VIB
Alexander Botzki, VIB