Institut Curie

The Institut Curie is a foundation of public interest, which combines one of the the largest European oncology research center and two state-of-the-art hospitals.

Founded in 1909 on a model devised by Marie Curie and still at the cutting edge: "from fundamental research to innovative treatments", the Institut Curie has 3,000 researchers, physicians, clinicians, technicians and administrative staff.

Institut Curie

26, rue d’Ulm - 75248 Paris

Claire Rougeulle
Claire Rougeulle
Director for the Research Center

"The collaboration and exchange within EU-LIFE has shaped and strengthened a shared European vision for the future and enriched our life at Institut Curie. I am privileged to be part of this alliance and its contributions towards a strong and active interdisciplinary research community."

Professor Alain Puisieux, Former Director for the Research Center

Facts and Figures


French cancer center in terms of number of patients treated




technology platforms


high-priority medical-scientific programs

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