- March, Catalonia, on the hunt for researchers who want to flee the United States (Ara)
- February, Strategic Compass: Who's Rewriting the Rules of European Research and Innovation? (The Insider Podcast)
- February, EU-LIFE ERC Masterclass: Pooling expertise across Europe to boost successful ERC applications (FEBS Communications)
- January, Ruđer Bošković Institute became a member of the EU-LIFE Alliance and strengthened its position in the European scientific community (Karlobag.eu)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u prestižni savez EU-LIFE (Pliva Zdravlje)
- January, Veliko priznanje: Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u prestižni savez EU-LIFE (Dalmatinski)
- January, Naš znanstveni institut ušao u elitno europsko društvo: Sada mogu izravno utjecati na prioritete istraživanja (Srednja)
- January, Ruđer primljen u prestižni savez EU-LIFE (Metro Portal)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju (Poslovni)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju (Novine)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju (N1 HRV)
- January, IRB primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju istraživačkih instituta (T Portal)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković pridružio se prestižnom znanstvenom savezu (Energetika Net)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u važnu međunarodnu organizaciju za znanost (Javno)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u prestižni savez EU-LIFE (Ekovjesnik)
- January, IRB primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju istraživačkih instituta savez EU-LIFE (Novi List)
- January, IRB primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju istraživačkih instituta savez EU-LIFE (Hina)
- January, Институтот Руѓер Бошковиќ примен во водечка меѓународна организација (Ohrid Sky)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u važnu međunarodnu organizaciju za znanost (Index HR)
- January, IRB primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju istraživačkih instituta savez EU-LIFE (HRT Magazin)
- January, IRB primljen u vodeću međunarodnu organizaciju istraživačkih instituta (Zimo Dnevnik)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u prestižni savez EU-LIFE (Cropc)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u savez EU-LIFE (Vidi)
- January, Institut Ruđer Bošković primljen u savez EU-LIFE (Infokiosk)
- December, Budoucnost evropského výzkumu: 5 klíčových opatření pro konkurenceschopnou Evropu (Portál Vědavýzkum.cz - Nezávislé informace o vědě a výzkumu)
- November, FP10 Podcast - EU-LIFE (The FP10 Podcast)
- October, FP10 needs ‘overhauled’ priority setting, says Slovenia (Research Professional News)
- October, Life sciences lobby group calls for coherent EU R&I strategy (Science Business Horizon Blog)
- October, The Next Horizon: Key Debates on FP10 (The Insider Podcast)
- October, A call to action: it’s time to give project managers more recognition (Science Business)
- September, Research lobby group calls for career path reform in the EU (Science Business Horizon Blog)
- September, MSCA projects ‘undermined by lack of support for managers’ (Research Professional News)
- September, Redrawn EU leadership roles raise coordination concerns (Research Professional News)
- September, The MCAA Research Management Working Group and EU-LIFE publish a report on the role of MSCA Project Managers (MCAA)
- September, CoARA’s First Working Group Co-Chairs Forum: Connecting Efforts for Research Reform (CoARA)
- July, El CRG busca nuevo director: Luis Serrano plegará del cargo el próximo año (Diari Ara)
- July, Luis Serrano anuncia su marcha como director del Centre de Regulació Genòmica (La Vanguardia)
- June, The EuroScience Open Forum 2024 (International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, ICCVS)
- June, Prof. Natalia Marek-Trzonkowska panelistką podczas ESOF (University of Gdańsk)
- June, Life sciences institutes seek ‘realistic’ approach to FP10 (Research Professional News)
- June, Life sciences research group calls for more cross-border projects in FP10 (Science Business Horizon Blog)
- June, Far-right gains in European elections: what they mean for climate goals (Nature)
- May, Visions: Christine Durinx and Jérôme Van Biervliet, Managing Directors of VIB, Belgium (FEBS Communications)
- May, Research Matters campaign launched (EuroTech Univesities Alliance)
- May, EU should mimic parts of Arpa to fix its R&D ‘risk aversion’, say research leaders (Research Europe)
- April, R&D sector welcomes ‘urgently needed’ EU report supporting research freedom (Research Europe)
- April, Life sciences organisation unveils action plan for assessment reform (Research Professional News)
- March, Visions: Marta Miączyńska, Director of IIMCB, Poland (FEBS Communications)
- March, Variety of Horizon Europe instruments should be maintained in FP10, says MEP (Science Business)
- March, Strengthen role of European Innovation Council in FP10, says life sciences alliance (Science Business)
- March, EU-LIFE presents its vision for FP10 and the EIC (ERA Portal Austria)
- March, Life sciences institutes seek changes for EU innovation funder (Research Professional News)
- March, Life sciences alliance sets out vision for future of MSCA (Science Business)
- March, 2024 EMBL Alumni Award recipients announced (EMBL)
- February, Biotechnology and biomedical research, Superti-Furga (Ri.Med): “With the new center Sicily will be an international beacon” (Pledge Times)
- February, Biotecnologie e ricerca biomedica, Superti-Furga (Ri.Med): "Con nuovo centro Sicilia sarà faro internazionale" (Adnkronos)
- February, Lessons learnt to transition from Horizon 2020 to the new FP10 (European Industrial Pharmacists Group)
- February, Prof. Miączyńska: Od odkrycia zmian w komórce do szczepionek i leku na raka. Rozmowy Wprost o nauce i medycynie (Wprost)
- January, El biólogo Luis Serrano Pubul, nuevo Doctor Honoris Causa por la UMH (Nova Ciencia)
- January, El biólogo Luis Serrano Pubul, nuevo Doctor Honoris Causa por la UMH (Onda Cero)
- January, El biólogo Luis Serrano Pubul, investido doctor Honoris Causa por la UMH (Alicante Plaza)
- January, El biólogo Luis Serrano Pubul, nuevo Doctor Honoris Causa por la UMH (Publitoral Magazine)
- January, El biòleg Luis Serrano Pubul investit Doctor Honoris Causa per la UMH d'Elx (Diario de Alicante)
- January, La UMH inviste doctor honoris causa al biólogo Luis Serrano Pubul (Información)
- January, Scientific utopias: Evading the long VISA wait times via the Institute of LIFE (Medium)
- January, Next EU R&D programme should have longer-term outlook (Research Professional News)
- January, EU-LIFE calls for FP10 to be ambitious with sufficient budget (Science Business)
- January, Polka w gronie liderów nauki w Europie (Biotechnologia.pl)
- January, Prof. Miączyńska współprzewodniczącą EU-LIFE (ISB Zdrowie)
- January, Prof. Marta Miączyńska współprzewodniczącą EU-LIFE (Newsletter Akademicki)
- January, Prof. Marta Miączyńska współprzewodniczącą EU-LIFE (Forum Akademickie)
- January, Prof. Marta Miączyńska współprzewodniczącą europejskiej sieci instytutów badawczych EU-LIFE (Puls Medycyny)
- January, Polka w gronie liderów nauki w Europie (TVP NAUKA)
- October, The importance of being a Research Manager (El·lipse)
- October, Austrian Scientist and Innovator Chosen to Lead UPMC-Managed Research Center in Italy (Inside Life Changing Medicine)
- October, Fondazione Ri.MED, Giulio Superti-Furga designato Direttore Scientifico e Direttore del CBRB (Il Giornale d'Italia)
- October, Fondazione Ri.MED: Giulio Superti-Furga designato Direttore Scientifico (QdS.it)
- October, Fondazione Ri.MED e UPMC: Giulio Superti-Furga designato Direttore Scientifico (I mille. Protagonisti dei mondo economico)
- October; Fondazione Ri.MED: Giulio Superti-Furga designato direttore scientifico (Live Sicilia)
- October, Ri.MED-Upmc, Giulio Superti-Furga direttore del CBRB che sorgerà a Carini (In Sanitas)
- October, Giulio Superti-Furga Director of the Ri.MED Foundation and of the BRBC (UPMC)
- September, Dia do Investigador CEOS.PP | DICEOS23 - Livro de Resumos (Centro de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociais do Politécnico do Porto)
- September, My double life as a cell biologist and crime writer (Nature)
- September, Key attributes of successful research institutes (Plos Biology)
- September, Clarissa Campbell and Barbara Maier at CeMM receive ERC Starting Grants (LISAvienna)
- September, ERC Starting Grants für Clarissa Campbell und Barbara Maier am CeMM (DGfI)
- July, Commission rules against setting a time limit on phasing out animal testing in research (Science Business)
- July, EU’s ‘sensible approach’ to animal research welcomed (Research Professional News)
- July, Expérimentation animale dans la recherche : la Leru et EU-Life se "réjouissent de l’approche" de la Commission européenne (AEF info)
- July, 10º Aniversário da EU-LIFE acolhido pelo IGC (Oeiras Valley)
- July, Science Europe Calls for Caution in Discussing Phasing Out of the Use of Animals in Research (Science Europe)
- July, YERUN Snapshot 4/4: Practical challenges of implementing policies for careers in academia (YERUN)
- July, Literární soutěž EU-LIFE a Nature dává prostor pozitivní vědecké imaginaci (Portál Vědavýzkum.cz - Nezávislé informace o vědě a výzkumu)
- July, Pravila o intelektualnom vlasništvu EIC-a ne smiju priječiti valorizaciju znanja (University of Rijeka)
- June, A Inteligência Artificial já está a mudar a ciência, mas continua a ser feita por cientistas e os computadores são apenas ferramentas (Expresso50 Ciência)
- June, Research institutes ‘not understood enough’ by EU (Research Professional News)
- June, Pilot EU measure to support research careers ‘a done deal’ (Research Professional News)
- June, How to improve the research environment – an open dialogue at the PRBB (El·lipse)
- May, EU research community concerned by citizens’ call for outright ban on animal testing (Science Business)
- May, ‘No timeframe yet possible for ending EU animal research’ (Research Professional News)
- May, The Guild’s endorsement of the joint LERU/EU-LIFE statement on the ECI ‘Save Cruelty-free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without Animal Testing’ (The Guild)
- May, LERU·EU-LIFE, animal experiment against European initiative (Korea-EU Research Centre)
- May, LERU en EU-LIFE waarschuwen voor extra verbod op dierproeven (Netherlands House for Education & Research)
- May, Declaració conjunta de la Lliga d’Universitats Europees de Recerca i de l’EU-LIFE sobre la Iniciativa Ciutadana de la Unió Europea: “Cosmètics sense crueltat – per una Europa sense assaigs amb animals” (Lo Campus Diari)
- May, Joint LERU/EU-LIFE Statement on the ECI ‘Save Cruelty-free Cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without Animal Testing’ (LERU)
- April, Research Community Ready To Negotiate For EU Research Program (Technology Times)
- April, Research community gears up for talks on next EU research programme (Science Business)
- March, Consultation exposes problem over funding for basic vs applied research in Horizon Europe (Science Business)
- March, Do big public EU policy consultations work? For the most part (Science Business)
- February, Let the games begin: R&I community sets out demands for next EU research framework (Science Business)
- February, Funder group decries shifts in EU R&D policy (Research Professional News)
- January, EU-LIFE 10th anniversary conference (EUA Council for Doctoral Education)
- December, EU-LIFE 10th anniversary: envisioning research centres of the future (Open Access Government)
- December, Renewed criticism of EU innovation fund’s IP rules (Research Professional News)
- November, The Foundation for Research and Technology in the EU-LIFE bioscience research network (The Newspaper Greece)
- November, The Foundation for Research and Technology in the EU-LIFE bioscience research network (Gentikoule)
- November, The Foundation for Research and Technology in the EU-LIFE bioscience research network (Athletic Radio)
- November, The Foundation for Research and Technology in the EU-LIFE bioscience research network (FORMedia)
- November, The Foundation for Research and Technology in the EU-LIFE bioscience research network (in B Science News)
- October, Identifying common challenges in research infrastructures by benchmarking (ICRI 2022 Newsletter)
- September, Reforming research assessment: The Agreement is now open for signature (CoARA)
- September, Pourquoi l’écosystème scientifique européen doit reconnaître les petites infrastructures de recherche (Nouvelles du monde)
- September, Why the European scientific ecosystem must recognise smaller research infrastructures (News Founded)
- September, Why the European scientific ecosystem must recognise smaller research infrastructures (Zim Focus)
- September, Why the European science ecosystem should recognize smaller research infrastructures (News Tech OK)
- September, Por qué el ecosistema científico europeo debe reconocer infraestructuras de investigación más pequeñas (Post US)
- September, Why the European scientific ecosystem must recognise smaller research infrastructures (Open Access Government)
- August, Acknowledging and citing core facilities (EMBO reports)
- June, What are the key elements for success when it comes to foundations, science and equality? (Philea)
- June, How tech-savvy employees make the difference in core facilities (EMBO reports)
- April, Why does the road from "green pepper" to PI get narrower and narrower? (iNews)
- March, How the occupation route to principal investigator is narrowing (Grand Choice Alliance)
- March, How the career path to principal investigator is narrowing (Nation World News)
- March, É fundamental investir na aproximação da ciência à sociedade (Oeiras Valley)
- March, How the career path to principal investigator is narrowing (Nature)
- March, Visions: Iannis Talianidis, Director of IMBB-FORTH, Greece (FEBS)
- March, The research assessment reform - with Marta Agostinho (The Insider podcast)
- February, Research Career support materials from EU-LIFE (Coimbra Group Newsletter)
- February, Mónica Bettencourt-Dias, Diretora do IGC, é a nova presidente da EU-LIFE (Oeiras Valley)
- January; EUA and Science Europe to draft reform of research assessment (Research Professional News)
- January, Process towards an agreement on reforming research assessment (European Commission News)
- January, Monica Bettencourt-Dias (IGC) and Giulio Superti-Furga (CeMM) appointed new chair and co-chair of EU-LIFE (Alpha Galileo)
- December, Time for change in research careers (EMBO reports)
- November, Involving society in science: Reflections on meaningful and impactful stakeholder engagement in fundamental research (EMBO reports)
- November, Bridging the gap between the clinic and the lab with a PhD program for medical doctors (El·lipse)
- September, La evaluación como elemento clave para el camino hacia la excelencia en los centros de investigación (Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular)
- June, Attracting Life Science Investments in Europe (BioMed Alliance, EuropaBio and Johnson & Johnson)
- June, Visions: Giulio Superti-Furga, Scientific Director, Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM), Vienna, Austria (FEBS)
- March, FRC-QE: a robust and comparable 3D microscopy image quality metric for cleared organoids (Bioinformatics)
- February, La pandemia, una oportunidad para cerrar la brecha de género en ciencia (SINC, Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas)
- February, Horisont Europa sjøsatt, men utlysningene kommer senere (Khrono)
- January, Research groups decry focus on applications in Horizon Europe health plan (Science Business)
- December, EU faces ‘acute under-investment’ despite budget deal, research organisations warn (Science Business)
- November, Highlights from EU Gender in Science Symposium 2020 (Elsevier Connect)
- October, Job-sharing 'could encourage more women into top R&D roles' (Research Professional News)
- July, Parliament hits back, vowing to ‘correct’ cuts to Horizon Europe (Science Business)
- July, Leaders agree on slimmed-down €80.9B for Horizon Europe (Science Business)
- July, EU Corona Summit: Will research fall by the wayside? (Innovation Origins)
- July, Como garantir uma Europa com mais segurança na Saúde? A resposta pode estar na Ciëncia (LIDER Ideias que fazem futuro)
- July, Como garantir uma Europa com mais segurança na Saúde? A resposta pode estar na Ciência (Best Team Leaders)
- June, Michael John Owen Wakelam 1955-2020 (Nature)
- June, Aliance EU-LIFE: Potřebujeme dlouhodobou vizi a lepší koordinaci (Portál Vědavýzkum.cz - Nezávislé informace o vědě a výzkumu)
- June, Jak zapewnić bezpieczeństwo zdrowotne w Europie? Koncepcja instytutów badawczych międzynarodowego konsorcjum EU-LIFE (Biotechnologia.pl)
- June, Centros de investigación reclaman una inversión sin precedentes a la UE como única salida a la crisis de la Covid (La Vanguardia)
- June, La ciencia requiere una inversión sin precedentes por parte de Europa en respuesta a la COVID-19 (SINC, Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas)
- June, Centros investigación europeos piden inversión sin precedentes para COVID-19 (elDiario.es)
- June, Investigadores de élite alertan de que “los milagros científicos no existen” y piden más dinero a la UE (El País)
- June, Investigadores europeos advierten de que acabar con la COVID-19 pasa por una inversión sin precedentes en investigación (Infosalus)
- June, Científicos y alcaldes europeos piden más inversión contra la COVID-19 (Euractiv)
- June, La ciencia lanza un SOS a Europa: necesita fondos (La Vanguardia)
- June, Alianza EU-LIFE desvela vulnerabilidad de Europa para encarar la pandemia (Cambio16)
- June, "Els miracles no existeixen": la ciència demana 150.000 milions d'euros a la Unió Europea (Ara)
- June, "Els miracles no existeixen": la ciència demana 150.000 milions d'euros a la Unió Europea (Ara Balears)
- June, "Los milagros científicos no existen": miles de investigadores europeos reclaman finaciación (Voz Populi)
- June, Los centros de investigación europeos piden una inversión sin precedentes para responder a la pandemia (Agencia EFE)
- June, La ciencia reivindica una gran inversión contra la COVID-19 (Ambientum)
- June, La ciencia requiere una inversión sin precedentes (deia)
- June, The day research stood up (ICMAB, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona)
- June, La ciencia reclama una inversión sin precedentes en respuesta a la COVID-19 (ileón)
- June, Centros de investigación europeos piden inversión sin precedentes para el COVID-19 (El Obrero)
- May, How to ensure health safety in Europe? The vision of the EU-LIFE Research Institutes (Alpha Galileo)
- January, Warsaw’s International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Joins Prestigious EU-LIFE consortium (Science in Poland)
- January, Międzynarodowy Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie członkiem konsorcjum EU-LIFE (Rynekzdrowia)
- January, Mónica Bettencourt Dias nomeada co-presidante da EU-LIFE (SPM, Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais)
- January, Mónica Bettencourt Dias eleita co-chair da Aliança EU-LIFE (RTP TV)
- January, Cientista portuguesa nomeada co-presidente da EU-LIFE (RTP Notícias)
- January, Gabriel impresses in first meetings (Research Professional News)
- December, EU-LIFE, 13 European Research Institutes Alliance, elected the new Board (Alpha Galileo)
- December, Europa da la espalda a la ciencia (El País)
- December, Europa da la espalda a la ciencia (Revista de Prensa)
- December, René Medema appointed new chair of EU-LIFE (Drug Discovery Today)
- December, René Medema nieuwe voorzitter EU-LIFE (Medicalfacts)
- August, ‘Take risks with Horizon Europe’ (Research Professional News)
- June, EU-LIFE: six recommendations for Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster (Medizin Aspekte)
- June, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência pede mais apoio europeu para a investigação (Observador)
- June, Instituto Gulbenkian pede mais apoio europeu para a investigação (País ao Minuto)
- June, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência pede mais apoio europeu para a investigação (Diário de Notícias)
- June, EU should fund more joint health research, lobby group says (Research Professional News)
- May, Where next for EU science? Part 1 (Science Business)
- March, Promoting gender equality in science (European Commission, Research & Innovation Success Stories)
- February, Visions: Michael Wakelam, Director of the Babraham Institute, UK (FEBS)
- January, Europe looks to cells for a healthier future (Healthcare in Europe)
- June, LIVE BLOG: Reactions to Horizon Europe (Science Business)
- June, EU-LIFE urges the EU Parliament and Council to push for a strong Horizon Europe (EurekAlert!)
- June, EU-LIFE urges the European Parliament and the EU Council to push for a strong Horizon Europe (Alpha Galileo)
- March, Visions: Susan M. Gasser, Director of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland (FEBS)
- February, Gender Equality in Academic Science – Why and How? (FEBS)
- September, Life science research institutes call for Framework Programme 9 budget to double to €150B (Science Business)
- September, Life science research institutes want a more balanced Framework Programme 9 (EurekAlert)
- May, Cuatro centros españoles formarán parte de ORION, nuevo proyecto de la UE sobre ciencias y biomedicina (Europapress)
- May, Cuatro centros españoles formarán parte de ORION, nuevo proyecto de UE para la accesibilidad en ciencias y biomedicina (La Información)
- May, Cuatro centros españoles formarán parte de ORION, nuevo proyecto de la UE sobre ciencias y biomedicina (Ecoticias)
- May, Projecte ORION, una nova iniciativa europea per obrir la recerca a la societat (BCN Science Corner)
- April, Pharmacoscpy: Next-Generation Microscopy (idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft)
- March, EU-LIFE vraagt om uitbreiding ERC-budget (Engineeringnet)
- March, EU-LIFE calls for an increased ERC budget (Alpha Galileo)
- February, EU-LIFE: Support innovation with excellence (Science Business)
- January, EU-LIFE publish recommendations for EU research programme (Open Access Government)
- January, EU-LIFE’s vision for the next European Programme FP9: The next Horizon - Strategies to promote European competitiveness in innovation (Alpha Galileo)
- July, The importance of the human oral microbiome (Agencia FAPESP)
- May, Michela Bertero nominated member of the European Open Science Policy Platform (BioTech)
- September, Stimulating translational research: several European life science institutions put their heads together (Trends in Molecular Medicine)
- February, Mixed feelings for EU-LIFE over ERC success (Horizon 2020 Projects)
- February, European Research Council grants: Good news for EU-LIFE centres, but with a bitter aftertaste (BioTech)
- February, Centros de investigación punteros critican los recortes de ayudas europeas (La Vanguardia)
- February, Dinheiro europeu para a ciência: mais orçamento, mesmo com cortes polémicos (Observador)
- February, ERC grants: Good news for EU-LIFE centers, but with a bitter aftertaste (BrightSurf Science News)
- February, ERC grants: Good news for EU-LIFE centers, but with a bitter aftertaste (EurekAlert)
- February, European Research Council Grants: Good news for EU-Life centres, but in a bitter aftertaste (Alpha Galileo)
- January, Bold alliances aid translational work (Nature)
- November, EU-LIFE revives funding debate (EMBO reports)
- July, All eyes on Europe (Drug Discovery News)
- July, EU-LIFE: una nova xarxa de deu centres de recerca en ciències de la vida (Lo Campus Diari)
- June, Center for Genomic Regulation leads two alliances of European biomedical research centers (Biocat)
- May, New alliance for European excellence and competitiveness in life sciences (Science X)
- May, New alliance for European excellence and competitiveness in life sciences (Bio-Medicine)
- May, EU-LIFE alliance to raise profile of European life-sciences research (PharmaTimes)
- May, Top European Life Sciences Institutes join forces (Science)