Unlocking transporters for drug discovery
RESOLUTE & Resolution Consortia Final Conference
27-29 September 2023
Palais Niederösterreich
Vienna, Austria
The RESOLUTE and REsolution consortia of the Innovative Medicines Initiative of the European Union have been equipping the scientific community with cutting-edge research tools and datasets related to the Solute Carrier (SLC) supergroup's transporters. As both projects come to an end in 2023, we want to celebrate with a grand event that looks to the future.
Join us to learn more about the results and lessons learned by the consortia over the past five years and listen to top international scientists who are experts in metabolism regulation, drug discovery, and membrane protein function and structure.
The conference is open to scientists of all levels of seniority. There are reserved slots for talks and posters selected from the abstracts submitted.
Find out more and register by 31 August 2023: re-solute.eu/conference