
EU-LIFE calls for an ambitious and realistic vision for FP10

The EU-LIFE alliance of leading life science research institutes in Europe calls for an ambitious and yet realistic vision for FP10. In order to respond to the challenges posed by the current geopolitical and social context, the next Research & Innovation programme needs to be bold, resilient and able to provide Europe with an economic competitive edge worldwide.

“EU-LIFE has been a proactive stakeholder in the development of the successive EU Research & Innovation programmes since its creation, contributing the combined experience of leading research institutes across Europe and advocating for scientific excellence. Today, we present our key priorities for FP10 to ensure it serves the needs of the scientific community, the global research ecosystem and society as a whole,” said Marta Agostinho, Executive Director of EU-LIFE.

EU-LIFE releases a statement today putting forward 10 guiding principles for FP10:  

  1. Be ambitious: Aim for more impact through FP10.
  2. Be realistic: Provide FP10 with a budget to meet the goals.
  3. Rebalance public and private funding in FP10 and promote a solid EIC model.
  4. Raise the investment in the European Research Council (ERC).
  5. FP10 structure: Avoid creating additional pillars and fragmentation.
  6. Develop strongly collaborative, excellent research by raising collaborative opportunities for discovery-driven research.
  7. Invest in more bottom-up, less politically driven topic calls and ensure that the impact of generating knowledge is promoted when addressing global challenges.
  8. Develop a coherent impact approach by reducing the size of consortia and monitoring the impact of initiatives in Pillar 2.
  9. Bring researchers and their institutions back to the centre of European Programmes of Research and Innovation.
  10. Excellence has no institutional borders: Improve capacity support of research institutions in an equitable, fair and diverse way.


Read the full statement here.