
EU-LIFE urges the EU to give financial priority to Framework Programme 9

uropean Commission to prioritize Research & Innovation on the next Multiannual Financial Framework. The 100B Euros budget proposal for Horizon Europe (Framework Programme 9) is a slight increase compared to Horizon 2020. However, this will not be enough to tackle global challenges through research and innovation.

“We believe that the negotiations starting now will be key to raise the potential of Horizon Europe in addressing important challenges faced by European citizens and the world”, says Marta Agostinho, Coordinator of EU-LIFE.

As stated in EU-LIFE’s position paper about FP9 in September 2017, EU-LIFE urges the European Commission (EC), the European Parliament (EP) and the European Council to create a strong Framework Programme 9 by doubling its budget compared to Framework Programme 8 to 150 Billion Euros; and, within it, at least double the budget for breakthrough research.

 “Research & Innovation is a strong pillar under the EU ideal. Few other fields illustrate so clearly the added value of the European Union. The European Research Council, for example, has become one of the most acclaimed success stories of Europe. We must secure this legacy” say Genevieve Almouzni, Chair of EU-LIFE and Scientific Director of Institut Curie, France.