Important milestone for the reform of research assessment in Europe
EU-LIFE is a member of the core group of organisations working closely with the drafting team facilitated by the European Commission to develop an agreement on reforming research assessment in Europe. The core group is formed by 20 organisations representing relevant stakeholders such as research performing organisations, learned societies and individual researchers, as well as research funding organisations and national/regional agencies.
A call for organisations was also issued to further involve interested organisations in the process. After a period of intense work started at the end of 2021, a first public draft of the agreement was discussed on 3 March 2022 in a stakeholder assembly, where over 200 participants representing interested organisations provided feedback.

Research assessment is a major priority for EU-LIFE. Prior to our participation in this core group, we have contributed to the creation of a new research assessment system in Europe, participating in bilateral meetings with European Commission representatives and in dedicated workshops. The EU-LIFE Task Force on Research Assessment defines the values we want to promote in the research ecosystem. It focuses its action on stimulating the discussion about the research evaluation system in Europe and supports our member institutes through sharing practices and learned lessons in research assessment.
To know more about research assessment in Europe and EU-LIFE’s work on the topic, watch our policy webinar Moving forward in research assessment - perspectives from research institutes, researchers and funders, with Paola Bovolenta (ERC Scientific Council Member), Kostas Glinos (Head of Unit for Open Science, European Commission), René Medema (Chair of EU-LIFE 2020-2021 and Scientific Director of NKI), and Mónica Bettencourt Dias (Co-Chair of EU-LIFE 2020-2021 and Director of IGC), among others.