EU-LIFE is an alliance of independent European research institutes in the life sciences. EU-LIFE contributes to the improvement of research by influencing European science policies and by developing, implementing and disseminating best practices in the organisation and management of research institutes.

Our goals are:

  • to be a voice for independent research institutes influencing European policy and to strongly advocate the key role of excellent research for the benefit of society;
  • to create an environment that stimulates excellence in research through sharing good practices and expertise in research organisation and management (including quality evaluation, infrastructure, personnel management, training and career development);
  • to inspire institutions to support ethically responsible research and innovation, open science and knowledge transfer to society.
EU-LIFE factsheet 2025 (a)


EU-LIFE institutes share the view that scientific excellence in life sciences can only be achieved through strong adherence to principles of quality, scientific integrity, ethical responsibility, societal accountability, ecological sustainability, gender equality and cultural diversity while promoting a strong dialogue with society.  EU-LIFE has a long-term mission to spread these values and best practice within Europe, to other institutes, existing or new. 

By committing to EU-LIFE, institutes shall make all possible efforts to push excellence in science to the highest level and in addition develop the following activities to the highest standards:

  • develop research findings towards societal impact through translational research and technology transfer;
  • prepare the next generation of scientist through training, human resource management and inclusiveness;
  • engage with society;
  • obtain competitive funding at national and international level;
  • stimulate an open, collaborative, critical and committed institutional research environment and involvement with EU-LIFE.
EU-LIFE factsheet 2025 (b)