IEO - European Institute of Oncology
The Department of Experimental Oncology (DEO), was founded in 1995 as a research wing of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), focused on the deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in cancer development, as a tool to integrate and complete the knowledge among fundamental, translational and clinical science, hence accelerating knowledge into clinical practice.
The challenge of the DEO is to generate knowledge at the interface between curiosity and patient benefit, by integrating scientific questions asked by fundamental-scientists, clinicians and clinical scientists. We envision that the creation of these integrated scientific workflows will accelerate the transition towards Precision Oncology, through the development of new molecular markers (to design better diagnostic and predictive tools), the identification of novel molecular targets (to develop innovative drugs), and the optimization of therapeutic approaches (by combining targeted treatments).

Via Adamello 16 - 20139 Milan

"The network opportunities provided by EU-LIFE have proven to be highly beneficial for IEO in terms of the fruitful collaborations at an European level and the continued commitment to excellence in our research community.”
Pier Giuseppe Pelicci, Director of Research, IEO
Facts & Figures
research groups
core facilities
scientific articles per year