
EU-LIFE advocates for a constructive policy to animal research and new approach methodologies in the ERA Conference

A delegation of EU-LIFE attended the European Research Area (ERA) Conference (Brussels, 18-19 September 2024), which offered the opportunity to evaluate the lessons learned in the latest four years of the new ERA, as well as the challenges ahead. Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE Executive Director, was a speaker in the session ‘Why now an ERA action on non-animal approaches in biomedical research and testing of pharmaceuticals?’, together with a group of panellists that included Bas de Waard, Maurice Whelan, Orla Moriarty, Philippe Hubert, Sonja Beken, Winfried Neuhaus and Nicolas Dudoignon.

Marta provided the perspective of research performance organisations on the development of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) as well as the use of animals in research when there is no scientifically validated alternative, following the active role of EU-LIFE in the co-creation of this action. Her main points were:

  • As research institutes we are fully commited to the development and use of scientifically validated NAMs that help to reduce the use of animals in research and regulatory testing. Likewise, we are fully committed to the Three Rs principle (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement).
  • Researchers are the ones developing NAMs, so the scientific community is a key player for the success of any policy on NAMs and must be part of it at all stages.
  • The main value of this ERA action is the capacity to promote coordination among Member States, most specially at the regulatory stage; global coordination beyond the EU is also critical.
  • This action will only contribute to EU competitiveness if it allows the advancement of biomedical research and helps move science forward, based on scientific criteria and not on political timelines.
  • The training and education component of the action towards all actors - researchers, regulators, policy makers and citizens - is paramount. Informed policies must be based on broader understanding of the complexity of the biology behind biomedical research and on the potential risks, gains and impacts of the policies.

This discussion was followed up in Friday’s 26th ERA Forum meeting, where EU-LIFE reaffirmed its commitment to continue co-creating this action with the European Commission and Member States and contribute to its implementation if the action becomes part of the ERA agenda 2025-2028.

Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE Executive Director, at the 26th ERA Forum meeting (Brussels, 20 September 2024)


To find out more about EU-LIFE’s policy work on this topic, please check our previous news: