How does EU-LIFE bridge the gap between science policy and the scientific community?

We regularly organise internal sessions with researchers and members of staff at EU-LIFE member institutes to discuss the state of research policy in Europe, for example:

  • Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE Executive Directors, gives a policy update every year in the EU-LIFE Community Meetings.
  • Exchange session of the EU-LIFE Strategy Group with Heinz Fassmann and Helga Nowotny
  • Exchange session with Stijn Delauré, Policy Officer, ERA & Innovation, about ERA action 17 and research management
  • Exchange session with Philippe Cupers, Head of the Life Sciences Unit at the European Research Council Executive Agency

We publish our policy positions in scientific journals to make them accessible to the wide scientific community:

Beyond the EU-LIFE Community, we participate in external scientific meetings and events to explain the research policy landscape in Europe and the work we do:


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