Since its creation, EU-LIFE has advocated for the best environment possible for researchers and professionals in the interface of science. The latter include specialists in a wide range of pivotal areas to drive scientific advance and innovation, such as governance, proposal development and project management, knowledge transfer, science policy or science communication. The professionals working in these areas are essential for the Research & Innovation (R&I) ecosystem, but their role and contribution has been traditionally overlooked by funders, policymakers and the R&I community. For this reason, EU-LIFE advocates for the professionalization of research management within the European Research Area (ERA) and was involved in the creation and current implementation of a dedicated action to enhance the careers of research managers.


ERA policy context

The ERA Agenda 2022-2024 includes Action 17, which is aimed at enhancing the strategic capacity for research management in Europe’s public research performing and funding organisations, following the European Commission's European Skills Agenda (30 Jun 2020) and the Council Conclusions on the new ERA (1 Dec 2020).

Strengthening the European capacity in research management will improve the overall R&I system across the ERA. In this context, Action 17 intends to develop a Research Management Initiative with the following specific objectives:

  • Definition and recognition of research managers' careers [1]  (in coordination with ERA Action 4), including a career framework for research managers, contributing to the professionalisation of the ever-evolving and diverse role of research management at institutional and government levels.
  • Upskilling through training and skill development, including specific programmes and curricula covering the various dimensions of research management.
  • Supporting networking of research managers and practice exchange in the different dimensions of research management.
  • Capacity building across the entire ERA.

[1] In the ERA context, the term ‘research manager’ covers a wide range of experts at different professional levels bearing specific knowledge (a) to streamline/facilitate the planning, the development, management, administration, communication and valorisation of research and innovation, (b) to ensure compliance with policy objectives, funding programme requirements, financial rules and legal regulations, (c) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of R&I projects/system, and/or (d) to enhance the impact of R&I on the society.


Work of EU-LIFE on research management


Contribution as stakeholder to the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda

  • ERA Action 17 Workshop to present and validate a draft for the European Careers and Competence Framework for Research Managers (Nov 2024)
  • ERA Conference 2024 (Sep 2024)
  • Submission of 3 success stories about Research Managers and Administrators to the European Commission (May 2024)
  • ERA Action 17 Workshop on Research Management Networking (Apr 2024)
  • ERA Action 17 Workshop on Research Management Capacity Building (Nov 2023)
  • ERA Action 17 Workshop on Research Management Capacity Upskilling (May 2023)
  • ERA Action 17 Workshop on Recognition of the Profession of the Research Management (Mar 2023)


Participation in dedicated European projects and joint initiatives

  • Publication of the report: 'Increasing success and impact in MSCA projects: Insights & recommendations on the role of Project Managers in collaborative MSCA projects' in collaboration with the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)
  • Organisation of the Workshop 'Steering success in MSCA Projects: A world Café Workshop on the evolving role of project managers', in collaboration with the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) (Toledo, Nov 2023)
  • RM Roadmap: Marta Agostinho, Executive Director of EU-LIFE, is member of its Advisory Board and several members of EU-LIFE working groups are Ambassadors of the project


Giving visibility to the work of research managers


Capacity building within EU-LIFE institutes

  • Organisation of an internal session about ERA Action 17 with Stijn Delaure, ERA Policy Adviser
  • Sharing best practices through EU-LIFE working groups