Work of EU-LIFE on open science

  • EU-LIFE is committed to the ERA Action 1 on enabling the open sharing of knowledge and the re-use of research outputs, including the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • Engaging with open access stakeholders and initiatives, such as Diamond Open Access
  • Being an active stakeholder in EU open science and a member of the European Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) launched by Commissioner Moedas. We contributed actively to its advisory role, working groups and reports, mainly the final OSPP report Progress on Open Science: Towards a Shared Research Knowledge System
  • Contributing to key areas of open science, such as:
    • Open science policies with EU-LIFE views and recommendations on Plan S, a reaction to Plan S implementation guidelines public consultation opened by cOAlition, including a revised guidance on Plan S implementation.
    • Open Science assembly with Research Performing Organisations and other stakeholders - Consultation on Reforming Research Assessment
    • Labour market for researchers, skills, assessment and monitoring ERAC workshop
  • Facilitating the development of Orion Open Science together with several of our members. The project aimed at embedding open science and responsible research & innovation in research funding and performing organizations. The project resulted in comprehensive toolkits, training materials and case studies on how to implement open science as a research organisation
  • Inspiring change by sharing lessons learned in different events and publications such as the EMBO paper Involving Society in Science. Reflections on meaningful and impactful stakeholder engagement in fundamental research