Work of EU-LIFE on research careers
Sharing best practices and publishing guidelines on how to support research careers, such as:
- Hands-on Guide for Research Institutions: Best Practices for Postdoc Career Support in the Life Sciences
- Policy brief: Providing Career Support to Postdocs – Inspirations and Recommendations from the EU-LIFE Institutes
- EMBO paper: Time for change in research careers
- The EU-LIFE HR Working Group, which addresses specific challenges related to HR policies and talent management
Offering network, training and mentoring opportunities to early-career researchers in EU-LIFE institutes, such as:
- EU-LIFE Postdoctoral Exchange Programme
- EU-LIFE Pathfinder: Mentorship Programme for Postdoctoral Women
- Creation of the EU-LIFE Postdoc initiative
- EU-LIFE Career Track webinars, organised by the Recruitment & Training Working Group
Participating regularly in European Commission's discussions about how to foster research careers within the new ERA, such as:
- Supporting research careers in Europe: tools to support implementation of the new ERA consultation workshop
- Supporting research careers in the context of the new ERA: EURAXESS and the ERA Talent Platform stakeholder workshop
- Fostering research careers in ERA EC stakeholder workshop
- Labour market for researchers, skills, assessment and monitoring ERAC workshop
Creating spaces of dialogue with the community and bringing policymakers together with researchers:
- Joint INESC Brussels Hub / EU-LIFE workshop: Research Careers and Research Assessment
- EU-LIFE policy webinar Opportunities for and of postdoctoral researchers in Europe