Science Communication
This Working Group focuses on the following questions:
- From local to international media: how to get impact in international general-interest media.
- Social Media for scientists and/or for the general public: common strategies.
- Public relations and institutional contacts management.
- Scientific output: publications, citations, h-index: how to match actual needs with available resources.
- Open access and repositories: special clauses and obligations in EU projects.
- Sharing best practices on benchmarking papers
Latest activities
- Transforming science communication through storytelling (FEBS Letters)
- Groundbreaking science for a healthier future - 15 stories from EU-LIFE institutes
- Involving society in science: Reflections on meaningful and impactful stakeholder engagement in fundamental research (EMBO reports)
- Storytelling Workshop at IMBB-FORTH, Greece
- Tell them a story! How to use storytelling in science communication
- EU-LIFE Narratives workshop

Laura Álvarez, CeMM, Co-Chair
Giorgia Guglielmi, FMI, Co-Chair
Louisa Wood, Babraham Institute
Michael Norman, Babraham Institute
Anna Ahlbom, BRIC
Halina Jílková, CEITEC
Šárka Fajtlová, CEITEC
Anna Schwendinger, CeMM
Stefan Bernhardt, CeMM
Greta Caprara, IEO
Lucilla Titta, IEO
Isabelle Baumann, FMI
Mathias Dewulf, Institut Curie
Mari Kaunisto, FIMM
Daria Gos, IIMCB
Wojciech Kwilecki, IIMCB
Inga Siden-Kiamos, IMBB-FORTH
Evanthia Zacharioudaki, IMBB-FORTH
Christiana Divini, IMBB-FORTH
Jana Schlütter, MDC
Jutta Kramm, MDC
Esmeralda Schemmekes, NKI
Katrina Wright, VIB