11th S.M.A.R.T. Lecture

Oskar C. Aszmann

Director of the Center of Bionic Extremity Reconstruction
Vice-chair of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Medical University Vienna

Cyborgs ahead? Considering the value of the human body

11th S.M.A.R.T. Lecture
Monday, 24 July 2023, 6.00 pm
CeMM Large seminar room on level 8

Host: Giulio Superti-Furga

Register by 16 July 2023 via this link.


Professor Oskar C. Aszmann is the Director of the Center of Bionic Extremity Reconstruction and Vice-chair of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna. He is a European Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a strong focus on both upper and lower extremity reconstruction. Since 2006 he has entered a close collaboration with the prosthetics company Otto Bock,  to explore the possibilities and limits of bionic reconstruction. This partnership has led to the establishment of the Center for Extremity Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in 2012, which is funded partly by private entities and government funds. In 2020, Oskar C. Aszmann he has been given the position of Full Professor at the newly founded Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Professor Aszmann’s research focuses on all aspects of reconstructive surgery, examining it from clinical and basic research perspectives. 

For his accomplishments in this field and his care for patients with complex extremity injuries, Professor Aszmann has received multiple prestigious awards. These include two awards from the Royal Society of Medicine in London, the renowned Hans Anderl Award presented by the European Association for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for continued excellence in Plastic Surgery Research, the esteemed Houska Award for excellence in public-private partnership, and most recently, the Christian Doppler Prize for Research and Innovation in September 2020. Professor Aszmann serves on the board of directors of several national and international scientific societies and is on the editorial board of several academic journals. 

He has received numerous national and international research grants with a combined value that exceeds 8 million euros, with support coming from the Austrian Research Agency (FWF), the Christian Doppler Research Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC).



Lazarettgasse 14, AKH BT 25.3
1090 Vienna Austria
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