EU-LIFE partners host 151 small and medium sized research infrastructures, that are typically in the life sciences referred to as core facilities, with more than 1000 dedicated staff members that provide a wide spectrum of services to a wide range of internal and external users, both academic and businesses. The range of research infrastructures within EU-LIFE institutes is broad and spans from genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, NMR, to animal, pre-clinical and imaging facilities.
These facilities provide essential as well as cutting-edge technological support to thousands of researchers on a day-to-day basis across Europe. Moreover, they develop and implement new technologies and train the next generation of scientists.
Being at the cutting edge of scientific instrumentation and know-how, it is not surprising that EU-LIFE institutes and their core facilities are involved in a number of pan-European research infrastructures incl. ESFRI projects, such as EATRIS, ELIXIR, EuroBioImaging, or Instruct.
Facts and Figures
employed staff members
For more details on our research infrastructures visit the websites of the individual institutes below:
Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK
BRIC in Copenhagen , Denmark
CEITEC in Brno, Czech Republic
CeMM in Vienna, Austria
CRG in Barcelona, Spain
FiMM in Helsinki, Finland
FMI in Basel, Switzerland
IEO in Milan, Italy
IGC in Oeiras, Portugal
IIMCB in Warsaw, Poland
IMBB FORTH in Heraklion, Greece
Institut Curie in Paris, France
MDC in Berlin, Germany
NKI in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
VIB in Ghent, Belgium