EU-LIFE supports Statement on protection of animals used for scientific purposes
EU-LIFE is a signatory of the Wellcome Trust Statement that was released today supporting European Directive 2010/63/EU (“Directive”) on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
The Statement calls on the European Parliament and Commission to reaffirm their commitment to the Directive, which is considered vital to ensure that necessary research involving animals can continue whilst requiring enhanced animal welfare standards. The Statement can be found here.
A summary of the Wellcome Trust Statement says:
“The use of animals in research has facilitated major breakthroughs in medicine which have transformed human and animal health. We support research using animals where alternative methods are not available, where the potential benefits to health are compelling, and where acceptable ethical and welfare standards can be met. The Directive has enhanced animal welfare standards and introduced the concepts of refinement, replacement and reduction (‘3Rs’) across the EU, while ensuring Europe remains a world leader in biomedical research. (…) Repealing the Directive would represent a major step backwards both for animal welfare in the EU and for Europe’s leading role in advancing human and animal health.”
Institutions around Europe have endorsed this initiative. More information can be found at the Wellcome Trust.