
Towards FP10: EU-LIFE’s reply to the Expert Group on Horizon Europe and FP10

As part of EU-LIFE’s continued efforts to help shape the European research framework programmes, a EU-LIFE delegation met with Manuel Heitor, Chair of the expert group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, on 20 May 2024. This group was set up to give advice on the state of research & innovation in Europe. The EU-LIFE delegation was formed by Marta Agostinho, Executive Director of EU-LIFE, Marta Miączyńska, Director of IIMCB & Co-Chair of EU-LIFE, and Urszula Wyrzykowska, Deputy Director for Development at IIMCB.

“It was a really useful discussion on how scientific breakthroughs lead to societal impact, how to strengthen Europe’s position in the world, and how to face the challenges ahead for research framework programmes. We thank Manuel Heitor for the opportunity to convey EU-LIFE’s position and priorities for FP10, “ said Marta Agostinho.

Today we release the EU-LIFE reply to the four questions put forward by the expert group to stakeholder organisations, which is available here.