
EU-LIFE Visiting Scientist Programme - Grab the opportunity!

EU-LIFE Science Newsletter 3/2017

Latest News from EU-LIFE

The EU-LIFE Visiting Scientist Programme has just been launched. Do you want to ...collaborate with that research group? ...attend that specific training? ...learn that specific technique? Apply for the EU-LIFE Scientist Programme! 

Through the EU-LIFE visiting scientist programme we open our institutions to scientists of the other  EU-LIFE  institutions.  We  invite  PhD  students,  postdocs,  technicians,  staff  scientists  and PI’s  to  visit  other  EU-LIFE  institute  to  participate  in  several  types  of training  activities,  plug  in on  each  other’s  core  facilities,  visit  colleagues  to  learn  a  specific  method  and / or technique, and ultimately to start scientific collaborations.  

Come have a look on the respective web sites eu-life.eu/groups and eu-life.eu/technologies to browse the database, find potential research and service partners and get to know each other better.  For applications and general guidelines check the EU-LIFE website: eu-life.eu. For any question contact EU-LIFE Coordinator (marta.agostinho@eu-life.eu).

Image: EU-LIFE Visiting Scientist Programme. Credits: Iris Joval