Work of EU-LIFE on research assessment

The reform of research assessment in Europe is a major priority for EU-LIFE. We participate continuously in bilateral meetings with European Commission representatives to provide input on research assessment, as well as workshops and working groups to contribute to the creation of a new research assessment system.

Below you can find some of EU-LIFE's latest activities.

  • Joining the CoARA working group on Towards an Inclusive Evaluation of Research (TIER) (Dec 2024)
  • Participation in the first CoARA Co-Chairs Forum: Connecting Efforts (Sep 2024)
  • Participation in the first in-person meeting of the CoARA SAGA WG to follow up on previous SAGA WG's Virtual Brainstorm event and provide a first draft of an action plan template for administrators, research managers and governance of biomedical institutions to effectively support advancing research assessment (Jul 2024)
  • Participation in the workshop “Reforming Academic Career Assessment: current insights and future directions” organised by the CoARA ACA WG. Recording is available on the CoARA's YouTube channel and presentation is downloadable here (Jun 2024)
  • Co-organisation of the CoARA SAGA Working Group's Virtual Brainstorm event (May 2024)
  • Publication of the EU-LIFE CoARA Action Plan (Apr 2024)
  • Joining the CoARA working group on early-and-mid career researchers (EMCRs) - Assessment and Research Culture (Oct 2023)
  • Co-chairing of the CoARA working group on Supporting the alignment of research assessment systems with CoARA in biomedical disciplines through administrative reforms and governance (SAGA) (Oct 2023)
  • Joining the CoARA working group on Supporting the alignment of research assessment systems with CoARA in biomedical disciplines through administrative reforms and governance (SAGA) at proposal level (May 2023)
  • Joining the CoARA working group on Reforming Academic Career Assessment (ACA) at proposal level (May 2023)
  • Joining the CoARA National Chapter Spain
  • Signature of the CoARA Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (Nov 2022)
  • Member of the core group of organisations working closely with the drafting team facilitated by the European Commission to develop an agreement on reforming research assessment in Europe (Dec 2021 - Mar 2022)
  • Research Assessment Session with EU-LIFE Main Representatives (Dec 2021)
  • EU-LIFE policy webinar Moving forward in research assessment - perspectives from research institutes, researchers and funders (Oct 2021)
  • Creation of the EU-LIFE Task Force on Research Assessment, aimed at providing our member institutes with a framework to share good practices for assessment of research organisations and individual researchers, and to discuss the research evaluation system in Europe (May 2021)
  • Participation in the 8th Meeting of the National Points of Reference on Scientific Information (Mar 2021)
  • Participation in the Open Science Assembly with Research Performing Organisations and other Stakeholders - Consultation on Reforming Research Assessment (Mar 2021)
  • Participation in the ERAC workshop Labour market for researchers, skills, assessment and monitoring, co-organised by the Portuguese Presidency and the European Commission in cooperation with ERA-related groups (Dec 2020)
  • Creation of the EU-LIFE Task Force on Sharing practices on recruitment & promotion of researchers (2016-2018)

People involved

EU-LIFE Task Force on Research Indicators

Natalia Dave Coll, CRG
Dörthe Nickel, Institut Curie
Roberta Carbone, IEO
Marie Vidal, MDC
Marleen Vanstraelen, VIB
Ana Pereira O’Callaghan, Babraham Institute
Marijn Huiskamp, EU-LIFE
Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE

EU-LIFE Representative in CoARA

Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE

EU-LIFE CoARA Team Leader

Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE


Henri van Luenen, NKI
Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE


Natalia Dave Coll, CRG
Roberta Carbone, IEO
Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE


Dörthe Nickel, Institut Curie
Michaela Herzig, MDC
Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE


Dörthe Nickel, Institut Curie
Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE

EU-LIFE’s role at the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)

After being a proactive stakeholder in the development of an agreement on reforming research assessment in Europe, EU-LIFE supported the creation of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and it is among its first signatories. EU-LIFE participated in the CoARA Call for Working Groups with a number of fully developed proposals, and is affiliated to four working groups:

  • Supporting the alignment of research assessment systems with CoARA in biomedical disciplines through administrative reforms and governance (SAGA), co-chaired by EU-LIFE
  • Reforming Academic Career Assessment (ACA)
  • Early-and-mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) – Assessment and Research Culture
  • Towards an Inclusive Evaluation of Research (TIER)

As a European alliance based in Barcelona, EU-LIFE is a member of the CoARA National Chapter Spain and participates in the awareness and training working group (Grupo de Trabajo (GT) 4 - Sensibilización y formación).

Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)