The structure of the alliance is based on a Board of Directors, a Strategy group, several Working groups & Task forces and the EU-LIFE Office.

EU-LIFE Board of Directors 2023

Board of Directors

Each member is represented in EU-LIFE by its Director or Scientific Director. The Board of Directors (BoD) is the highest decision-making body of the alliance. The BoD elects two of its members to serve as a Chair and a Co-chair for a period of two years. Currently, Mónica Bettencourt Dias from the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) is acting as Chair and Giulio Superti-Fuga from the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as Co-Chair.

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EU-LIFE Office Team

EU-LIFE Office

The EU-LIFE Office is located in Barcelona, Spain. The EU-LIFE Executive Director, Marta Agostinho, is the head of the Office and is responsible for strategy development with the BoD, and the implementation and centralisation of all activities. The EU-LIFE Office also consists of the Policy Officer Iris Uribesalgo, the Community Officer Marijn Huiskamp, the Communications Officer Esther Dorado, and the Executive Assistant Isabel Jurado.

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EU-LIFE Community Meeting 2024 at CeMM (Vienna)

Strategy group

The Strategy group gathers the BoD, the EU-LIFE Executive Director, the main representatives and the Working groups chairs (see below). This group focuses on general questions concerning EU-LIFE organisation and strategic actions, such as strategic and action plan, policy development, consideration of new partners, staffing and internal meetings.

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Working groups & Task forces

The different activities of the alliance are carried out by dedicated Working groups, formed by experts from the member institutions. Each Working group elects a Chair, who sits together with the Strategy group twice a year to review all activities. There are currently seven active Working groups: Science Communication, Technology Transfer, Core Facilities, Gender Equality, Grants & Funding strategies, Recruitment & Training, and IT. 

The Task forces are smaller groups bringing together a specific set of EU-LIFE experts to accomplish a short-term assignment. There are four Task forces currently running by now: Indicators & publications, Research Assessment, Research Infrastructures and Research Data Management.

EU-LIFE Community